
monday, monday.

i did it. i actually did it, finally.

i quit my job.

i know what you are thinking, "how selfish and absurd for you to up and quit your job during these though economic times where so many have lost their jobs without any choice of their own" and believe me those thoughts have run through my mind as well. it has been a constant, inward struggle for me and, in my own defense, i do feel awfully selfish. but, there have been too many days and weeks where i would tell family and friends that i was done dealing and then the obligation monster would rear its ugly head and i just could not bring myself to throw in the towel. this very obligation to my job has gotten me to the point where i work too many hours of overtime and stretch myself in so many ways for people that could honestly care less about me. so, i am done with the internal torment and in turn i am feeling . . .

[ri-leef] - noun
1. alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, etc.
2. a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc.
3. money, food, or other help given to those in poverty or need.
4. something affording a pleasing change, as from monotony.
5. release from a post of duty, as by the arrival of a substitute or replacement.
6. the person or persons acting as replacement.
7. the rescue of a besieged town, fort, etc., from an attacking force.
8. the freeing of a closed space, as a tank or boiler, from more than a desirable amount of pressure or vacuum.

today would mark my last monday here if i didnt still feel obligated to this job or hadnt told my boss that i would help find and train my replacement. ahh well.

i am on the cusp of the days where i will be able to go to lunch with the mr., take walks during the weekdays, bask in the winter air and sleep in later than 7:30am. here i come selfish.


The Armitage Family said...

Aww cousin, I am happy for you and your new-found freedom! I'm sure you're feeling more than relief, probably feeling like you found your old self again. I love you and support your decision 100%!!! Not selfish at all, actually- quite the opposite. Love you girl.

Anna said...

Good for you! (i wish i could do it).

Lea Tame said...

I just realized I don't want you to quit... who will I chat with during my work days?

Kendra and Nathan said...

I totally am finding myself in the same situation. I don't think it selfish at all. To the contrary, you stayed for a long long time in a really hard situation. Now you can go find new adventures. Good luck!

Emily Frame said...

i saw you're looking to replace yourself, the girl i visit teach just got laid off and needs a job-- what do you do?


Liz Lambson said...

I completely empathize and support your decision to leave your work if it was making you miserable. Work-life balance is so important, and if you have the option to take a step back and recover, run with it!

Twice in the past year I've left decent jobs because they weren't good fits for me. Really hard decisions both times, but I was so relieved to walk away from them knowing it was the best thing for me. The one advice I'm gonna toss out there is to watch out for the whiplash effect--after working so hard, you may start feeling like what you do at home or your mental recovery isn't meaningful or productive if no one is paying you for it. Keep busy doing things that make you feel like your best self, regardless of your employment! You're so talented. Congratulations on leaving your job--that takes courage!

Young People in Love said...