
my life is average.

do you ever feel like life get mundane? welp i do.

dean, a fellow co-worker of mine, determined to break this mundane cycle, sent me a link to this site. and the genius just seems to keep flowing.

exhibit a: "Today, my girlfriend recommended that rather than arguing to deal with our disagreements we should just get foam swords and have epic sword fights to determine who's right. She's a keeper."

exhibit b: "A few years ago, I got a call from my grandmothers nursing home at about 3 in the morning. The nurse frantically explained to me that my grandma had taken an older man hostage, requesting chocolate milk for his safe release. You go, grandma."

here is to the mundane!


Laci Harper said...

haha...that is awesome. I think I am going to have to buy some foam swords. Definitely a good way to spice up life.

Elaine said...

Hahahahah, that's AWESOME!! Thanks for posting it! I can tell this will be a daily read... :)
