
words of wisdom:

getting your wisdom teeth out blows.


Anonymous said...

You're still beautiful!!! A little puffy, but beautiful.

likeschocolate said...

oK, I was just going to look, and then I saw leave a message. Getting the wisdom teeth out does suck for about 4 days. Love your pics!

Bethany Peterson said...

oooohh Kayti! You look so cute. Hopefully you aren't in too much pain. I miss gchatting with you so you need to get back to work soon. Also, I need to see you...it's been like 4 days.

Jenn Mize said...

Sad. :( I hope you feel better before Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know, I've never had to go there. BUT, be glad you haven't been at work. The servers overheated and so Agemni was completely down for about 45 minutes, and NOW our interfaces aren't working with DISH. busy busy...i'm envious of you at home!! puffy or not! ;) but we've missed you. Hope you're feeling better soon!!

Tanner Family Blog said...

You are so cute - even with a sore mouth! Rest and relax and I hope you feel better soon!
Good times to be had tomorrow!

Melissa O said...

Why do we even have wisdom teeth. Right when they start coming in we take them out, so whats the point. You look so cute.

Aly said...

poor poor katy. i had no idea. i would have brought you ice cream!

Saedi said...

Yeah, but only you could look SOOO gorgeous during it!!! So sorry cutie, if you need anything let me know!