
in the meantime.

oh golly its been awhile. like a real, long while.

the past month or so has been madness and instead of rattling off in one long post - i am going to break it up into phases. lucky for you huh?

phase one: employment finale

im done.

after giving my two weeks notice and then sitting out another four weeks it was long overdue, but i mustered up the strength to send my boss a letter regarding me officially leaving. (by 'letter' i mean email and by 'strength' i mean waiting until the very last minute of the monday workday and pressing send before practically running out of the office. baby steps.) my email clearly stated that i would work the remainder of the current week and then i was outie.

february 19th was my last day. although that day was bitter-sweet for me, i had no idea what an incredible adjustment it would be for me to go from days packed with never-ending task lists and appointments to days where my tasks where limited to the chores in our little home. it actually been really tough on me - emotionally and physically. in some ways i feel like i just need more things to help pass the time, but mostly i just want to know that i am contributing to our family and that i am putting in my fair share of work.

each phase from here on out will explain what i have done to reconcile this issue, but what i really want to know is have you ever felt this way? what did you do when you came to a cross roads in your life?


Liz Lambson said...

I definitely feel ya. I left three different jobs in the past two years for various and unfortunate reasons, and while I'm happy to be at home with plenty of my own projects, it's difficult to feel that what I'm up to is worth anything--especially without monetary compensation. Work is very good for the soul (and you don't have to have a job to work), but the sudden and dramatic change of pace and point of view can be humbling--and challenging. What helps me is keeping up positive relationships with friends, planning out projects, making efforts to read/learn, getting involved in the community--things like that. I've also considered simply finding a job I'd like more. Easier said than done.

Melissa O said...

Do something hobbyish. I redid my house. And scrapbooked, and read, and took some little fun classes. Then I got pregnant. Good times.

Aly said...

I know it's not the same situation and yet I felt a lot like you described when I made the transition from working to full-time mom. It was one of the hardest ever for me. It's what I'd always wanted, but it was definitely an adjustment. I was working harder than ever, but no one was measuring my successes I guess. I like to pick out my favorite parts of a day. A funny thing the girls did, for example. Something beautiful. Take a picture, or write about in my journal or blog. Carpe diem, gratitude, smelling the roses... whatever you want to call it.