lucky to have good health (minus this dang cold, of course), endless support, warm home, healthy food, soft bed, great love, positive finances and a fabulous family to wake up to each morning. lucky to have a car with ac for the summer and a house with warm water for the winter.
i am lucky to remember everyday that no matter how bad i think my circumstances are that things could always be worse.
i watched 'extreme makeover: home edition' last night and got an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for our little basement apartment {gasp!}. i know that i always complain about it but i could not be more happy with where we are at. we don't have a dishwasher, but we have good enough health to stand and laugh and chat whilst we scrub our dirty dishes. we might not have very much space, but that just makes for more intimate moments with those that we love. our bathroom might be old, but we are free of mold and mildew and our drawers might get stuck every time we pull them open, but we have many happy memories and useful supplies to fill them up with. our oven might be half the size of a normal oven, but we have plenty of pots to cook in and plenty of food to cook with.
It seems like every day I want to scream because of how much laundry I have, how much cleaning I have to do, Why can't the kids pick up a little. But then I realize how lucky I am to be a mom. To have a hubby that goes and works so that I have the opportunity to experience all the little firsts. The first time they walk, the first time to go sledding, the first time to get in a fight at school (that one isn't so great, but can you imagine not having your mom there to help you through it) I am completely blessed. I say it doesn't matter where you live, what you drive, what you wear, it's you inside that makes people love you. And Kayti you are easy to love. Happy monday.
What makes me lucky is my husband. He's patient when I'm not, he's kind when I judge, and he's caring when I'm mean. I'm LUCKY
your kitchen is GINORMOUS compared to ours. we have a hard time fitting two people in our baby kitchen. for real. but, i still wouldn't have it any other way...just means we have to kitchen snuggle ;)
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