
of my own heart.

after a long day of driving to and from salt lake during rush hour on a friday night for absolutely no reason, my dear four month old was, spent. after pulling off of the freeway twice to soothe said dear four month old and getting back on the freeway only to listen to more of my sweet screaming baby i finally got the notion to turn on music. as soon as the piano keys from 'the fray's album filled the speakers said unconsolable baby calmed and was soon snoring in the back seat. at that moment, at that very moment i knew that the crying baby in the back was mine. more than that, i knew that he was ours-aaron and mine.

i see so much of me in him when i look at him and when i hear his laugh and watch him sleep peacefully i see aaron. as each day passes and our little nuggets' personality blossoms and in turn i get to know him better i feel more and more like he is really my little boy. aaron makes us both laugh, he is ticklish in the same spots as his dad, he sleeps on his side just like aaron and i do, he loves the outdoors and calms down when we are exploring and socializing just like his dad, he is wide-eyed and loves the world and most of all appreciates music . . . just like his daddy and i do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So nice Kayti.