today marks the third month that our buddy roe came into this world and made our family complete. it feels like ages ago that he arrived because i can vaguely remember life without him. although errands take ten times longer and our house is constantly in disarray i can say that i have more joy in my life than ever before.
to: roe-deo
three months has whizzed by, but you have accomplished so much during that time. you are sleeping through the night in your own crib and in your own room. the first night that we left you in there all alone i about had a panic attack that someone was going to come in the back door and steal you and so, needless to say, i didn't get much sleep, but you were {obviously} wonderful. now when you wake up around 6am when your daddy or i come to get you, you are so excited to see us and give us the biggest grin and start wiggling your little body in your burrito sack {which you will not sleep without!}. as soon as we let you out of the little straight jacket to feed you, you stretch your little arms and legs so tall and then sigh with the relief of a good nights sleep.
you have always had an affinity for sucking on your hands and i am sure that one of these days you will figure out how to suck your thumb because that affinity has not passed. at times you will even gag yourself trying to stick all of your fingers in your mouth. you have gained more control over your hands and your arms and can now pull down the toys we have hanging from your play mat {a lesson you learned while i was doing dishes, only to come in the room to a fussy baby because you had hit yourself in the face - boo}.
you are so talkative these days. we have full conversations and at times it feels like you know what we are talking to you about. when you are not blowing bubbles with your lips or spitting, you are trying the tricks that dad taught you with your tongue and making tons of noises. i laid you down for a nap the other day and you just laid in your bed staring up at the ceiling laughing, talking and cooing to yourself. i like to think little angels were there hanging out with you.
you are sitting up so much better now - we are sorry you inherited an enormous head, but you are not letting that hold you back from the adventures that you want to have. in fact just today you actually enjoyed tummy time and i laid on my tummy with you and cheered you on. i think you felt proud of yourself.
you LOVE being outside. dad's new trick for getting you to fall asleep is to take you out on a stroller ride, to which he has calculated, you fall asleep after two blocks. you love the wind in your face and although it takes your breath away {literally} you seem to want more. there are so many colors and sounds around us, now that it is finally spring/summer, and we can just see you soaking it all up with your big blue eyes.
you want to be apart of everything and you are a very social baby. you are at your happiest when you are laying on your back and both your daddy and i are talking and playing with you. we could not ask for more. you are such a fun, cheerful and happy baby. we really got lucky with you buddy.
love: mommy